As you could guess, bee-masters are not very fond of these birds. And I understand them. Although, there's nothing that could make an amateur photographer happier than shooting these colourful bastards with her/his camera... :-)
I remember first time I saw couple of European bee-eaters on top of the dried pine tree in my yard. Although the tree was skyscraper tall, so I could see very little and I was a very beginner knowing nothing about bird species by then. Took out my amateur camera and shot an image, which turned out to be real surprise on the computer screen.
This summer I met them again and this single one on the LHS photo, let me quite close to take a shot. I climbed an unstable rock and deserved a photo-session from this crazy one. :-) I could hardly breath of happiness and very little I could do with my camera setup as well. Overall, the photos are not very bad I think. And I am looking forward for another meeting with bee-eaters!
Thanks for reading!
And don't forget to... :-)
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